Article: The best career advice you’ll receive: guidance from 7 women leaders in mining

In the lead-up to the 2nd annual Women in Mining Summit, we sat down with some of our outstanding speakers to discuss leadership, mentoring, the best piece of career advice they ever received, and what they wish they'd known earlier in their careers.

Read on to hear from the following inspirational mining leaders as they share insights and experiences that you can apply to achieving your own career goals:

  • Dr Geraldine McGuire, Environment and Community Manager, 29Metals
  • Dane Van Heerden, General Manager – Finance and Joint Company Secretary, Aeris Resources
  • Tanya Cambetis, Manager – Business Improvement and Optimisation, OceanaGold
  • Nicola Semler, Chief Technology Officer, Critical Minerals Group
  • Dr Lara Jefferson, Head of ESG, Nico Resources
  • Kanae Dyas, Workplace Support Manager, Anglo American
  • Helen Degeling, Project Acquisition Manager, Cobalt Blue Holdings

The best advice you’ll receive to shape your mining career

From managers who inspire you to managers who drive you nuts and leave you wondering how they got into their position in the first place, every leader leaves an indelible imprint on their employees and colleagues. It’s the ones who deliver thoughtful, sage advice that help mould effective future leaders.

When it comes to success, no one person can do it alone.

We recently had the opportunity to ask several inspirational women in mining to share the best advice they ever received from a leader who inspired them early in their career. The answers were wide and varied, but at their heart they all boiled down to messages that encouraged young, emerging leaders to believe in themselves and their ability to do their job. Each of these insights can be applied to your own experience to drive you toward the career you want to achieve.

‘A wonderful informal mentor told me I didn't have to solve every problem alone. He said bring me the data/information, and we can solve this problem together.’ - Dr Geraldine McGuire, Environment and Community Manager, 29Metals

‘Run your race and always believe in yourself.’ - Dane Van Heerden, General Manager – Finance and Joint Company Secretary, Aeris Resources

‘Don't let anyone tell you that you can't. It's not cannot, it's why not.’ - Tanya Cambetis, Manager – Business Improvement and Optimisation, OceanaGold

‘Never be afraid to ask questions and ensure that you do so. But sometimes, you may need to ask them offline or privately. There is no such thing as a dumb question; there is sometimes, however, a dumb time to ask it.’Nicola Semler, Chief Technology Officer, Critical Minerals Group

‘Failure is an opportunity to learn. Get out there, give it a go and don’t be afraid to fail.’Dr Lara Jefferson, Head of ESG, Nico Resources

‘The earliest and the most impactful advice came from my father. The impatience of youth can often get in the way of ourselves. He advised me to run my race and not to compare myself with others, but rather be inspired by other's journeys to create my path.’Kanae Dyas, Workplace Support Manager, Anglo American

‘There are no 'right or wrong' career decisions. Every career choice or decision point leads you to learning and growth if you are open to it.’Helen Degeling, Project Acquisition Manager, Cobalt Blue Holdings

The lessons to learn now to achieve your goals in the future

In the spirit of mentoring, we also asked each of these mining leaders, 'What is one thing you wish you'd known earlier that you believe helped you to reach the space you're in today?' They were forthright with their responses, hoping that whoever received this article would benefit from their experiences.

‘Building the knowledge and skills of your team and supporting loyal colleagues during difficult times has enabled me to solve very complex issues promptly.’Dr Geraldine McGuire, Environment and Community Manager, 29Metals

‘Every challenge is a chance to grow; mindset is everything.’ Dane Van Heerden, General Manager – Finance and Joint Company Secretary, Aeris Resources

'That absolutely nothing is impossible; false starts don't mean it's over; it just means you have to get creative.'Tanya Cambetis, Manager – Business Improvement and Optimisation, OceanaGold

'Words have incredible power – way more than many people fully realise. So use them wisely because you never know exactly how much damage some ill-timed/phrased words can cause or how much benefit some well-timed positive feedback can generate.’Nicola Semler, Chief Technology Officer, Critical Minerals Group

‘Work smarter, not harder. Take time for rest and recovery. On two occasions, I've suffered from burnout impacting my mental health and well-being, losing valuable time with my family, and not allowing me to enjoy all the successes I have achieved in my work environment.’Dr Lara Jefferson, Head of ESG, Nico Resources

'It's okay to fail, but fail forward. You don't have to have everything figured out. Have the courage to explore new experiences, commit to continual learning, and back yourself. Stop focusing on ‘what if I fail’ and instead focus on ‘what if I succeed?’ Kanae Dyas, Workplace Support Manager, Anglo American

‘Trust yourself and be authentic.’ Helen Degeling, Project Acquisition Manager, Cobalt Blue Holdings

Remembering that the race isn't run in a day is a key component of setting yourself up for long-term success in your career, although that can be hard to remember when the pressure is on and deadlines are looming. Taking a moment to breathe and realising that every successful leader was a beginner at one point can help you focus on the journey and not the destination.

If you're looking for further information on mentoring, career growth, or career development, make sure to join and meet each of these inspirational leaders at the 2nd annual Women in Mining Summit from 23-25 July. You'll get to meet all of our contributors as well as a stellar line-up of industry leaders who will share their combined knowledge and wisdom gained over a career in the mining industry. Learn more. 

To access the detailed conference program, download the brochure here.